I Choose

I Choose

I have been quite reflective of all that has passed & all that is coming. Of all that I have been and all that I am becoming. And how each moment is made up of choices and how each day we can choose how we wish to live. 
I was called to my “I choose” list from this time last year. And was taken with how what I choose is still the same, yet the landscape around me has shifted over the course of a year living within those choices. 
This is what I intentionally choose.. 
I choose love. I choose to treat everyone & everything with kindness, support & grace, as best I can. 
I choose to receive. To choose to open my heart to all that is for me. 
I choose the seasons. I choose to live with the wheel of life of what each turning of the wheel brings. To work with the flow of Mother Nature & to lean into all she has to teach us about ourselves. 
I choose nature. I choose a path of living and working with the trees, the herbs, the hills, the stones, the rivers & the seas – becoming a herbal therapist. 
I choose my home. I choose to create a cosy, colourful & calm sanctuary for me, for my family & for the woman I support. 
I choose responsibility. I choose to make good choices for myself, for those I love, and for my local community. 
I choose expansion. I choose to grow, to receive all that I need & to give all that I can. 
I choose my gift. I choose to share my witchy/wild self, my knowledge, my experience and my wisdom to help women heal and grow. 
I choose all this. Everyday. 
I choose this even on the days it doesn’t make sense or I am on my knees with tiredness, frustration or fear. And on the days that I don’t, I am kind to myself & come back to it the next day. 
As we head towards March and the doing part of the year, I invite you to create your own “I Choose” list. 
It’s a beautiful way to consider what you believe in, what feels good & underpin the decisions you make everyday to create a life that feels good for you. 
What do you choose? I would to know. 

Writing Our Winter Story

Writing Our Winter Story


I was inspired to write this from all your lovely comments of comfort and support you have given me losing my lovely Mum.

This has been a couple of weeks of major loses in the world. I am not alone.  

I feel like I am slowly coming back to myself. Things have shifted and changed me forever.

A winter where within the fragments, I felt my whole self. A Winter where I have felt my ancestors around me. A winter where my heart held my sons, my brother and my family. A winter of meeting my true strength, of meeting my true self. A winter of meeting the knowledge that I can choose how I meet all my life’s experiences.

A winter where I wrote a new story. One that started with the acceptance of turning 60.  One of trust, grace and open-ness. I love how we can choose how we live our story. Even in the hardest, darkest and grief-iest moments.  

And I love how we can write our story as we emerge from the rest filled and reflective months of Winter into the Spring months of new awakenings. I have my dreams and plans for this year. As Spring comes forth, so there will be my reawakening – my office makeover, my changes to my life and health. What is your winter to spring story?

This is a beautiful way to connect your winter and spring together… in the knowing that you too can create your story.
1. Gather pen and paper.
2. Create a quiet place for you to just be
3. Write down twenty words that come to you with how you feel in Winter
4. Is there anything you can change?
5. Is there anything you can do more?