I have been quite reflective of all that has passed & all that is coming. Of all that I have been and all that I am becoming. And how each moment is made up of choices and how each day we can choose how we wish to live. 
I was called to my “I choose” list from this time last year. And was taken with how what I choose is still the same, yet the landscape around me has shifted over the course of a year living within those choices. 
This is what I intentionally choose.. 
I choose love. I choose to treat everyone & everything with kindness, support & grace, as best I can. 
I choose to receive. To choose to open my heart to all that is for me. 
I choose the seasons. I choose to live with the wheel of life of what each turning of the wheel brings. To work with the flow of Mother Nature & to lean into all she has to teach us about ourselves. 
I choose nature. I choose a path of living and working with the trees, the herbs, the hills, the stones, the rivers & the seas – becoming a herbal therapist. 
I choose my home. I choose to create a cosy, colourful & calm sanctuary for me, for my family & for the woman I support. 
I choose responsibility. I choose to make good choices for myself, for those I love, and for my local community. 
I choose expansion. I choose to grow, to receive all that I need & to give all that I can. 
I choose my gift. I choose to share my witchy/wild self, my knowledge, my experience and my wisdom to help women heal and grow. 
I choose all this. Everyday. 
I choose this even on the days it doesn’t make sense or I am on my knees with tiredness, frustration or fear. And on the days that I don’t, I am kind to myself & come back to it the next day. 
As we head towards March and the doing part of the year, I invite you to create your own “I Choose” list. 
It’s a beautiful way to consider what you believe in, what feels good & underpin the decisions you make everyday to create a life that feels good for you. 
What do you choose? I would to know.