Change, Journal and the Hunter Moon

Change, Journal and the Hunter Moon

Autumn always reminds me of the cycles of life. The cold air setting in makes my morning walks brisk. Autumn is also that last blaze of glory before winter calls us inward. Days are shorter and the squirrels are gathering pine cones and acorns, we have a regular, daily visitor to our garden and bird swing collecting and gathering for his/her storage.

Nature knows how to take care of itself, how to provide, how to shelter, how to grow, how to adapt, how to die and be reborn. Everything is connected. Everything ebbs and flows, and change is the only constant. Spend enough time in Nature and you notice how alive even a blade of grass is.

Last night was the stunning Hunters Moon which was especially big and bright. It was lovely to gaze at it last night and I woke early with it this morning. The forecast was good for the weather so I grabbed the opportunity to get outside down to the beach with my flask, journal and oracle cards. This was 6.30 this morning and I got to the beach for 7am.  It was weird to walk with the moon and dark on my right side and the daylight coming up on my left.  It was lovely to watch the sunrise and was surprisingly warm.

For an hour I sat there and journaled, drank my coffee and watched the sun come up. I certainly went through some emotional and monumental thoughts with the energy of the moon and sun.  

Moon Focus:

🔥Injecting new life into projects

🔥Taking bold steps forward

🔥Pouring love into the things that make you happy.

This has certainly come up for me over the last 24 hours and one word that has kept popping up for me ‘BEGIN’ This word means a lot to me and will be my word for 2025. We have some goals coming together next year and it is all about crone years, next chapter, beginning of a new way of life, a new way of working, adventures and so much more.

This morning just makes me realise how lucky and blessed I am to where I live and my life. I do miss the mountains and rugged coastline but to be sat on the beach next to a flat coastline is just as special.

I watched the sun come up onto a very clear blue sky day and thanked the Universe for giving me the opportunity to experience this morning.

I Choose

I Choose

I have been quite reflective of all that has passed & all that is coming. Of all that I have been and all that I am becoming. And how each moment is made up of choices and how each day we can choose how we wish to live. 
I was called to my “I choose” list from this time last year. And was taken with how what I choose is still the same, yet the landscape around me has shifted over the course of a year living within those choices. 
This is what I intentionally choose.. 
I choose love. I choose to treat everyone & everything with kindness, support & grace, as best I can. 
I choose to receive. To choose to open my heart to all that is for me. 
I choose the seasons. I choose to live with the wheel of life of what each turning of the wheel brings. To work with the flow of Mother Nature & to lean into all she has to teach us about ourselves. 
I choose nature. I choose a path of living and working with the trees, the herbs, the hills, the stones, the rivers & the seas – becoming a herbal therapist. 
I choose my home. I choose to create a cosy, colourful & calm sanctuary for me, for my family & for the woman I support. 
I choose responsibility. I choose to make good choices for myself, for those I love, and for my local community. 
I choose expansion. I choose to grow, to receive all that I need & to give all that I can. 
I choose my gift. I choose to share my witchy/wild self, my knowledge, my experience and my wisdom to help women heal and grow. 
I choose all this. Everyday. 
I choose this even on the days it doesn’t make sense or I am on my knees with tiredness, frustration or fear. And on the days that I don’t, I am kind to myself & come back to it the next day. 
As we head towards March and the doing part of the year, I invite you to create your own “I Choose” list. 
It’s a beautiful way to consider what you believe in, what feels good & underpin the decisions you make everyday to create a life that feels good for you. 
What do you choose? I would to know. 

Writing Our Winter Story

Writing Our Winter Story


I was inspired to write this from all your lovely comments of comfort and support you have given me losing my lovely Mum.

This has been a couple of weeks of major loses in the world. I am not alone.  

I feel like I am slowly coming back to myself. Things have shifted and changed me forever.

A winter where within the fragments, I felt my whole self. A Winter where I have felt my ancestors around me. A winter where my heart held my sons, my brother and my family. A winter of meeting my true strength, of meeting my true self. A winter of meeting the knowledge that I can choose how I meet all my life’s experiences.

A winter where I wrote a new story. One that started with the acceptance of turning 60.  One of trust, grace and open-ness. I love how we can choose how we live our story. Even in the hardest, darkest and grief-iest moments.  

And I love how we can write our story as we emerge from the rest filled and reflective months of Winter into the Spring months of new awakenings. I have my dreams and plans for this year. As Spring comes forth, so there will be my reawakening – my office makeover, my changes to my life and health. What is your winter to spring story?

This is a beautiful way to connect your winter and spring together… in the knowing that you too can create your story.
1. Gather pen and paper.
2. Create a quiet place for you to just be
3. Write down twenty words that come to you with how you feel in Winter
4. Is there anything you can change?
5. Is there anything you can do more?


The energy of winter is that of going within.

For where there is death, there is life.

Visually the bare branches, the leafy floors look still and lifeless, but there is activity underneath. The trees use their withdrawn energy for growth, for expanding their root systems. All in preparation for the growing season, and it’s already started.

I love how what we can learn from the wintering of trees and use this time to prepare our own root systems, to use this as a time of self discovery. A time of progression. A time to loosen up the blinkeredness of certain ways or engrained patterns.

Winter is connected to our root chakra, the base of the spine. The grounding element is related to earth energy and our feelings of safety, it’s about our foundations & creating security for our emotional & physical wellbeing.

Survival instinct, self-preservation, courage, grounding, material stability, vitality, passion, the power to create.

The Root Chakra is about your physical needs such as feeling worthy to take up space, capable of having your needs met & strong enough to face life.

A blocked Base Chakra would feel like living in fear, indecision, lack of vitality, difficulty manifesting creative ideas.

An open & balanced base chakra allows you to feel more grounded, focused, organised, abundant & in your body.

Ask yourself…

What can you do to treat yourself with more compassion?

How can you become more purposeful in what you do?

How can you live more from the heart?

How can you inspire others?

The Winter energy is the realm of the crone.

The stirrer of the cauldron. The woman within us that lives life in full. The woman who is unafraid to speak her truth. She has lived, she has loved and she has lost. She walked through life and gained her experiences.

Ask yourself…

What is the crone calling within you this winter?

Who is the you of the future?

What will you be experiencing?

What will you be creating for others??

Hello and welcome to my musings

Hello and welcome to my musings

It’s been over 20 years since I launched Ali’s Holistic Healing Hands and if you told me then all the things I would do and achieve in that time I would be shocked and say to you not a chance! lol

I have learned many things and taken different paths, but my love and passion has always been and always will be with holistic therapies.

It is almost like I have come full circle. I first came into this industry by being introduced to Aromatherapy and Essential Oils plus herbs. They supported me with my eczema after struggling for 14 years with the condition on my hands. I am happy to say I have been eczema free for over 25 years now, with no flare ups and I do hope it stays that way. I am thankful that holistic/complementary therapies came into my life.

In 2012 after many years of running my therapy business and many therapists asking me how I kept going and what I did for marketing etc, I ran a workshop on running a therapy business for therapists. It proved successful and gave me the stepping stone to set up and launch Ali’s Therapy Academy I still continue to run this business to this day helping and supporting therapists to run their therapy business.

I can done lots of training over the years in adding skills to my therapies and in business knowledge. I have made many contacts and friends in my business from clients and business contacts. I have great support around me including my family.

I semi-retired my therapies last year in 2021 and refocused Ali’s Holistics in to therapy training school. Through the Pandemic I finally followed up on my interest in herbs and herbal medicine and through the 2 years I learned about Foraging, Infused Oils, Growing Herbs and Herbal First Aid. From that, followed training in Herbal Medicine (which I still have to complete) and my 10 year dream was taking shape.

My hubby and I have a dream when retiring of moving to the countryside of Devon, Cornwall or Wales, having a bit of land so I can set up my cabin and run my Academy, Training and Apothecary from there. I have pictured in my head and on my vision board a whole wall covered in shelves with jars and bottles filled with herbs. So towards the end of last year I decided to bring part of my 10 years vision forward and started creating Ali’s Apothecary.

This new business is about being more of me – letting my inner witch out!

I am excited of what I am creating and I do hope that you will too. I envisage a lot more of aromatherapy clinical blends and products, herbal products, natural facials, facial products, videos, workshops, webinars, walks, foraging, remedies, subscription boxes and much more.

This will not all happen at once, it will take time. Therapies are just the start of things to come.

Welcome to Ali’s Apothecary and thank you for reading.

Ali 🙂